Knowing What You Don't Know

Know what you don’t know. It’s a semi-common phrase that you hear people say as something you should recognize in yourself. It’s important to know what you don’t know so you can - what? Why is it important? Well, it’s important so you understand where your knowledge gaps are and how to fill them. That might mean you spend some extra time learning about a subject. Or it might mean that you assign this task to someone else. It also might mean that you never learn about a subject and rely on a trusted source to be the expert on a subject whenever you may need.

Someone once told me, it’s ok to not know the answer as long as you know where to go or who to ask to get the answer. That perspective helps to shape how we as Global, approach our customers.

Aircraft cleaning is a 2D image in a 3D world. What I mean by that is, on the surface it’s very simple - I mean it’s only cleaning - how hard could that be right? People conjure up different images of cleaning; be it a spray bottle and rag or a hose and scrub brush or a meticulous application of a protectant. In general, the image of “cleaning an aircraft” is simple. Everyone can image what that looks like. Reality however, is different.

Aircraft detailing has dimension - it’s dynamic. It’s simple, yet specialized. It’s often an afterthought, yet vitally important. It can seem unimportant, yet can become urgent very quickly. All that is to say, we recognize that aircraft cleaning is not a glamorous thing to think about or take action on. But that niche, that specialized task, is something we live every day at Global Appearance Partners.

We make booking, tracking, and managing cleanings easy through our app Atlas. We make accessing the best vendors in the nation easier by building all of those relationships for you and cultivating a network of not everyone, just the best. We do not strive for the cheapest option, but the best option for the situation.

Knowing what you don’t know; it’s ok to not know the in’s and out’s of aircraft cleaning. It’s ok to not understand what separates one vendor from another. It’s OK because for aircraft detailing, you have us; you have Global.

Make us your go-to for all of your aircraft cleaning needs. Let us be your experts and resource on a less than glamours subject.

For questions about our services and to learn more, reach out to me directly at and I’ll be happy to provide 1-on-1 support for either a simple question or cleaning an entire fleet.